Category: Healthy living

Why should you care about sustainable agriculture?

As you begin to change where you shop for healthier food, you may notice some packaging claims that its food was grow using “sustainable agriculture.” This doesn’t necessarily mean the food is healthier or better, though it can be. The main benefit as far as consumption is that the process strives for the most natural methods of farming, meaning very little use of chemicals. .

There are other reasons why you might pay extra for food made with sustainable crops. The food you consume will likely be better for you, due to the methods used to produce it, true. But …

8 Winter Gardening Tips You Must Read

While gardening is not for everybody, numerous individuals do appreciate keeping up a home garden or tending to a little space in the nearby group garden. Despite the fact that cultivating is most well known amid the late spring months, on the off chance that you decide to, you can have a greenery enclosure year round with an assortment of occasional vegetables and herbs.…

Winter Gardening in a Cold Climate

Winter is the customary decrepit season. Depending on the area you live, the weather constrained you from going out — it not extraordinary news for all you plant specialists out there. Be that as it may, you don’t need to abandon fresh greens plant throughout the winter season; you can even grow a little product of herbs and greens inside in cold atmospheres that can liven up your living space and keep you glad and solid as well.…

Keeping Healthy With Summer Squash

Squash has had a long legacy as a healthy staple food for thousands of years in North America. In fact, the Native Americans introduced squash to the European settlers and showed them its huge value.

Believe it or not, summer squash is related to melons and cucumbers, and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. A few different types of squash in existence include: cylindrical squash, patty pan squash, and constricted neck squash. Patty pan squash can be many colors, running the spectrum from green to yellow to white. Constricted neck squash, which itself comes in a few sub-varieties, can be green …

Combining the Curing Power of Garlic and Honey

Do you need something natural that can help strengthen your immune system to help you get over colds and other sicknesses faster? Mix garlic with a bit of honey into a container and keep it in your refrigerator. It barely costs a thing, takes hardly any effort to make, and a garlic / honey combination is exactly what you need to set your immune system into overdrive.

For centuries, both garlic and honey have been well-regarded as natural remedies for various ailments, and their power is only boosted when they are taken in combination.…

Why Not Grow Your Own Raspberries at Home?

There aren’t many fruits that trigger precious childhood memories quite the same way that raspberries do. A lot of people, especially those from Northern states, try raspberries for the first time in their wild form, during a romp in the woods with family, rather than from a package in their fridge.

You might have memories of relatives growing them, of picking them fresh off the bush and eating them as nature intended. Even if you don’t, though, and have always had to make a trip to the grocery store to get your supply, there’s something classic and unforgettable about the …

How to Improve Your Skills in the Garden

The hobby of gardening is a very seasonal activity, and you may find yourself with nothing much to do during the cold months of winter. Luckily, this makes it the perfect time of year to brush up on your skills and learn about gardening as a theory. After all, there is always something to learn about this dynamic hobby, even if you’re knee-deep in the snow.…

Using Milk as Soil Food

Most people will be amazed to hear that using milk on the compost and in the garden is a good way to feed the soil. This claim was not widely accepted by all not until a closer inspection was done and it began to make sense to people. The presence of enzymes, proteins amino acid and natural sugars in milk makes it a food and it’s beneficial to both humans and animals.

These same nutrients in milk can also be used to nurture a healthy community of fungi and microbes in your manure and the soil of your garden. Raw …

How Healthy are Beets?

The two most compelling reasons why beets have always been such a popular vegetable is their ease of maintenance in a garden and the fact that little of the plant goes to waste because most of it is perfectly edible. In fact, the leaves of the plant have more nutrients than the beet root itself.

If you think of a beet, you probably call to mind that plump root with a deep maroon shade, but actually beets can be a few different colors: there are yellow beets and even white beets. Although beets can survive very warm weather, they thrive …

The Latest News About Cabbage

Let’s face it; cabbage is certainly not the most popular member of the cruciferous vegetable family. But it should be. I am going to tell you why and discuss the different benefits cabbage has.

Before we can discuss this, let’s talk about what it isn’t good for. It has some of the greatest medical benefits. By incorporating cabbage into your diet two or three times a day, you will begin to see many of the significant health benefits.…